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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Детская познавательная и развивающая литература
 Dzien czekolady
 Dzien czekolady

 Автор: Krzysztof Plewako-Szczerbinski

 Wielka wojna z czarna flaga
 Wielka wojna z czarna flaga

 Автор: Wiktor Zawada

 Szyjemy modne kreacje dla lalek. Proste wzory i wykroje
 Szyjemy modne kreacje dla lalek. Proste wzory i wykroje

 Автор: Beata Guzowska


 The Skin and Nails Book
 The Skin and Nails Book

 Автор: Carrie Anton

  When it comes to skin and nails, you've probably seen plenty of ads for lotions and potions. The truth is, healthy skin and nails start from within, including what you eat and drink and how well you sleep each night. In this book, you'll learn the basics of skin hygiene, including the right tools and tricks for your skin type, staying safe in the sun, attacking pimples if they pop up, and shaving tips for when you're ready for raz
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Knowing What to Say
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Knowing What to Say

 Автор: Patti Kelley Criswell

  A friend talks about you behind your back. What do you say? You need a bigger allowance. How do you ask your parents? You ruin your friend's favorite book. How do you apologize? Here are the exact words you'll need in these situations – plus more than 200 others. Look inside for the tools, tips, techniques (and actual words!) to help you untangle your tongue and speak out with confidence and grace.
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Sports & Fitness
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Sports & Fitness

 Автор: Therese Kauchak Maring

  Team sport or solo activity? To compete, to express your creativity, to have fun with friends, or to feel good in your skin? Whatever you play, whatever your reason, whatever your level, this book is for you. You'll find exercises to make you stronger and last longer, confidence-building tips and brainpower drills, team and spirit-building activities, and tons of ideas from girls like you!
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Liking Herself
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Liking Herself

 Автор: Laurie Zelinger

  Has a bad day got you down? Is low self-esteem making you feel blue? In this advice-packed book, you'll learn how having high self-confidence can turn a good day into a great day, while having low self-esteem can turn a bad day into a nightmare. You'll learn tips for trusting yourself, ideas for boosting your self-esteem (or for keeping it up), and ways to feel your best in all kinds of situations. You are perfect just as you are, and
 School Rules! Projects
 School Rules! Projects

 Автор: Emma MacLaren Henke

  School projects can feel like a very big deal. When you're faced with a report to research, a model to make, or a presentation to prepare, it can be hard to know where to start. Whatever kind of project you're working on, the secret to success (and to keeping your cool) is making a plan. This book will guide you step-by-step, whether you're reporting on the Amazon rain forest, dressing like an ancient Egyptian, or staging a super
 School Rules! Writing
 School Rules! Writing

 Автор: Emma MacLaren Henke

  Maybe you love to write, but you don't always know where your words are going. Or maybe you know what you want to say, but the words freeze up in front of a blank screen. No matter what kind of writer you are, this book can help! You'll find lots of tips, advice, and activities on how to brainstorm ideas and plan your writing from beginning to end, including guidelines for stories, poems, reports, essays, and more.
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