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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Детская познавательная и развивающая литература
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Babysitting
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Babysitting

 Автор: Harriet Brown

  Who will be the best babysitter on the block? You! Inside this guide, you’ll find professional tips and tricks, quizzes, secrets from real sitters, and safety how-to information that will keep kids and parents asking for you. You’ll learn how to care for kids and become a wiz at changing a baby’s diaper properly, calming a crying child after her parents leave, and even making a picky eater happy and full.
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book is full of real-world advice that will help girls through the sticky situations they face in everyday life – from boys, friends, and dealing with emotions to embarrassing moments and difficult days at school. This girl-friendly guide is full of empowering tips from experts, and practical problem-solving strategies
 You're the Chef
 You're the Chef

 Автор: Lisa Cherkasky

  What's healthy, delicious, and simple? All the recipes in this book! You'll discover easy directions for making meals, planning parties, and preparing snacks, plus beautiful full-color photography for every recipe. This is the perfect companion to A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking, and a great way to try out newly discovered culinary skills. So get ready to delight the taste buds of your family and friends and yourself, too. And prepa

 A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Cooking

 Автор: Patricia Daniels

  Have you ever thought about how awesome cooking really is? It's actually pretty cool to take ingredients and combine them in a special way to make something totally different and delicious! Plus, sharing your tasty creations with family and friends makes it even more fun. Think of this book as your first step toward developing your culinary skills. You'll learn the basics like chopping, mixing, and blending; then you'll practice t
 Stand Up for Yourself & Your Friends
 Stand Up for Yourself & Your Friends

 Автор: Patti Kelley Criswell

  You can make a difference, and this book is here to help! It gives you the tools you need to recognize bullying and be prepared to handle it. Take a quiz to learn your speak-up style, and read great advice from girls who have been in similar situations. With tips that include wise words to use with bullies, smart ways to ignore them, and solid advice on getting an adult's help when needed, you'll discover how you can make the world a s
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Worry

 Автор: Nancy Holyoke

  Sometimes when we worry about something, it feels like we're the only ones – and that makes us even more worried! But really, everyone worries about something from time to time. Sometimes the worries are about big things, like an argument with a friend, taking an important test, or having to perform in front of a crowd; and sometimes the worry is about smaller things like having a bad hair day or saying something embarrassing. But regardles
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Drama, Rumors & Secrets
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Drama, Rumors & Secrets

 Автор: Nancy Holyoke

  Watch out for the drama trap! This book offers expert insight into drama, from jealousy to gossip to cyberbullying, and how to deal with it. You'll learn why drama exists, how it starts, what keeps it going, and how to cool it down. You'll find quotes and advice from real girls like you, plus tips and quizzes to help you rise above the drama game and keep yourself safe.
 The Sister Book
 The Sister Book

 Автор: Kristi Thom

  Calling all sisters! The Sister Book is for you! Whether your family is filled with girls or bustling with brothers, the bonds you share with your siblings are super-special, and this book is all about celebrating them. Find fun ideas for activities to do together, plus helpful tips on getting through rough times. Best of all, you'll find suggestions for making memories to last a lifetime. Includes great advice from real girls and stories f
 Пять сказок о других мирах
 Пять сказок о других мирах

 Автор: Игорь Дасиевич Шиповских
 Год: 2020

  Сказки о фантастических приключениях и внезапных преображениях, о превратностях судьбы и невероятном чуде, о странных знакомствах и театральных подмостках, о дивной дикой природе и её загадках, о людях стремящихся их разгадать и препонах на их пути. А также о страсти и коварстве, о новых знакомствах и братской дружбе, о родительской привязанности и всепрощении. А ещё о волшебных мирах и непостижимых временах, о королевском происхождении и потуст
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