Pariis, 1919: Coco Chanelil on edukalt loonud oma moefirma ja teel tuntuse poole Euroopa korgseltskonnas. Kuid kui tema valjavalitu Boy Capel autoonnetuses surma saab, kaotab naine otsekui pohjuse elada. Ootamatu kohtumine Vene Balleti impressaarioga, tsarinna taskuratt ja selle mustiline aroom annab aga Coco elule uue eesmargi – ta tahab taasluua selle vaimustava lohna, toelise armastuse parfuumi. Oma otsingutel kohtub ta karismaatilise ...
Minu ullitis pole kirjutatud paris tavaliste kaanonite jargi. Need on malestustekillud, lukitud ajateljele, nagu mu elu on kulgenud, uritamata anda mastaapsemat sundmuste raamistikku. Esitan asju nii, nagu mina neid nagin ja naen. Lisatud omi motteid maailma asjade kohta. Kohati antud ka taustainfot, sest noorem polvkond ei orienteeru ulearu hasti noukogude elu ja olu eriparas. Paevikut ei ole ma kunagi pidanud. Selle kirjutise jaoks ei ...
Книга Ольги Черненьковой рассказывает о жизни двух величайших поэтов Серебряного века – Анне Ахматовой и Николае Гумилеве. Вы узнаете о сложной истории их взаимоотношений, которая развивалась на фоне происходившей в стране драмы. Два поэта, две личности, соединившиеся в браке, – случай уникальный. Они говорят на одном языке, они понимают и чувствуют друг друга, эта связь превыше всего земного и обыденного. Но трагедия расставания неизбежна. Воин ...
Strong, reliable and known for his ability to work in pinpoint crosses from the left, Kenny was a firm fixture in the cup-winning Arsenal and England defences for most of the 1980s. He won a record-breaking 86 international caps and featured in many of the most exciting England matches of the era. Among many insights from old team-mates and respected managers, Kenny reveals the truth about Maradona's controversial 'Hand of God' go ...
When beautiful, glamorous Shilpa Shetty entered the Celebrity Big Brother house, little did she know that her presence there would spark an unprecedented media frenzy. As the show unfolded, divisions grew between certain contestants and the hostilities that followed led the public to accuse programme bosses of allowing racist bullying against Shilpa to occur unchecked. A debate that crossed international borders raged on outside the house while, ...
Rupert Murdoch – ruthless visionary, empire builder and business genius. He has created a global media network which has made him one of the most powerful and influential figures in the world. So potent was the force of his empire that he was even on first-name terms with presidents and prime ministers – superpowers were only a telephone call away. But just recently, rather than controlling the news, Murdoch has instead become the front-page sto ...