Радянська пропаганда зробила Симона Петлюру чи не найголовнішим антирадянським «демоном», утіленням усіх «темних сторін» людини: зради, обману, підступності. Цьому сприяла та обставина, що сам Петлюра – літератор і журналіст – ніколи не писав про своє життя ані спогадів, ані нотаток: він неначе спеціально намагався залишитися людиною «без особистого життя». Книжка В. Савченка – спроба перетворити цей «безтілесний символ» на живу людину, щоб суча ...
Павло Іванович Харитоненко – особистість, можна сказати, грандіозна. Він успадкував від батька, Івана Герасимовича, найбільше в російській імперії об’єднання цукрових заводів і за роки своєї праці зумів зміцнити його і збільшити. До 1914 року статки Харитоненка досягли 60 млн рублів, його земельні володіння становили 56 тис. десятин (не рахуючи орендованих), а в Державному банку у нього була кредитна лінія в 9 млн рублів. Тож П. І. Харитоненка п ...
On a November night in 1984, Susan Rosenberg sat in the passenger seat of a U-Haul as it swerved along the New Jersey Turnpike. At the wheel was a fellow political activist. In the back were 740 pounds of dynamite and assorted guns. That night I still believed with all my heart that what Che Guevara had said about revolutionaries being motivated by love was true. I also believed that our government ruled the world by force and that it was necess ...
So that was it. You send your fiance to the dry cleaners one day and he comes back gay. When Kiri Blakeley realizes her ten-year relationship was built on lies, she screams. Then drinks. And spends the ensuing months in a foggy, new world of sexual encounters. This is her story of learning to love (whatever that means) again."A page-turner. . .you'll never look at your significant other quite the same again." –Jonathan Alpert, Metro's ...
A voice from the loudspeaker blared, «Will the family who brought the little redheaded white girl to the Puerto Rican Day parade please come to the bandstand to pick her up.» I looked around. Wait a minute. I am at the bandstand. I am that lost girl!Michele Carlo, a redheaded, freckle-faced Puerto Rican raised in the Polish section of the Bronx, grew up as a permanent outsider. Too white for her proud, Spanish-speaking relatives and a mystery to ...
The snow forms the beginning of a near vertical chute that falls at least a thousand feet. My feet, shaking, manage to hug the thin edge of solid rock. I feel my heart creep to my throat and warm sweat drip down my back, defying the subzero Arctic air. Somehow I reach a plateau and think the worst is behind me. I couldn't be more wrong. This is the story of Dave Metz's death-defying, breathtaking, and passionate journey through the Ar ...
This is the story that Disney would never tell you. What do you do when everything in your life falls apart? If you're Chris Mitchell, you run away from home–all the way to Disney World, a place where no one ever dies–and employees, known as Cast Members, aren't allowed to frown. Mitchell shares the behind-the-scenes story of his year in the Mouse's army. From his own personal Disneyfication, to what really happens in the hidden ...