An admiral of the French navy, son of Louis Phillippe, Duke of Orleans (also known as the last king of France), husband to Princess Francisca of Brazil, prolific painter, artist, and writer- these are just a few of the many hats worn by Francois-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orleans, prince de Joinville. This book is a fascinating window into a remarkable life. He recounts the splendour of royal banquets, the immaculate schooling of the ...
Agnes Neta Buhr HEWITT was born during the great World Depression during the «Dirty Thirties.» She tells her childhood memories from birth until after her wedding. She had some help from her Mother, her older sister, her brothers and gleaning information vicariously from over hearing family members talk. Mostly, she writes from memories, events she remembers even from as early as at age two. She writes about great poverty experienced by her fami ...
Tess Holliday is many things and perfect is not one of them. But she loves her imperfections—after all, they’ve formed the woman she is today. Tess’s number one rule in life is to love yourself no matter who you are, what your ...
Frederick Douglass' classic.contains speeches, letters and other prose by this ardent abolitionist. Shocking, brutally real and intellectual, this book offers detailed insight into the life of this abolitionist forefather, as well as the human condition just before the American Civil War of 1861. ...
“The volcanic political atmosphere in the bubbling cauldron of the caldera that was the Gazelle Peninsula came to a head in December 1969.” This unique book tells the story of the day-to-day life of a young criminal circuit lawyer from Tasmania, Kerry Dillon, some 50 years ago in a country where many people lived as generations before had lived, back into the mists of time. Employed as a 22-year-old lawyer in the Office of the Public Solicitor ...
Many biographies have been written about the larger-than-life college football coach Paul «Bear» Bryant as well as an autobiography containing the coaches own memories. Other works have focused on an aspect of Bryant's career, his coaching methods, or his philosophy. The Bear: The Legendary Life of Coach Paul «Bear» Bryant stands alone among them all. Based on a screenplay by the late sportswriter and columnist Al Browning, it showcases ...
St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen is a review of the Apostle Paul and his life and has contributed immensely to the literature about this Christian historical figure. The compelling story of the conversion of the dissenter into a faithful servant and messenger of God is enriched by W.M. Ramsay’s insights into Paul’s missionary journey. ...