At 23, Scott Harris had a dream job, great friends and a passion for the outdoors. Then one sunny day in November 2008, everything came to a crashing halt: his 450cc dirt bike slammed into his buddy's in a head-on collision that nearly killed them both. Fifteen days in an induced coma, a complete facial reconstruction and countless surgeries were followed by years of intensive rehabilitation. With exhausting mental and physical effort, Scot ...
Профессор А.И. Журавлёв в своей новой книге рассказывает о своей долгой жизни (в этом году автору исполнилось 90 лет), о радостях, взлетах, научных открытиях и о тех метаморфозах, что происходят с человеком после постановки ему смертельного диагноза. Не теряя силы духа, он поделится с читателями рассказами обо всем, что происходило с ним в годы учебы и работы, часть из которых была отдана науке и… творчеству. А.И. Журавлёв – автор книг «Сверхсла ...
In Beyond Paris a young traveler is transformed by his odyssey across parts of Europe & Asia In 1970 traditional paths to success, and the definition of success itself, were questioned. And so young people in their twenties went off to see the world, and in the process find themselves. In Beyond Paris Paul Casper goes on such a journey. A journey that would change his life forever. A child of the Fifties and Sixties inspi ...
This is the true story of Tiffany Beard. The trials she endured in her young life; how she fell away from God, and how her dreams and struggles brought God back into her life, as the main focal point. In this book, you will learn why it is important to depend on Christ, after you've tried to make changes on your own, but have failed your flesh. ...
In Did You Ever See A Horse Go By? new author Frank DeFrancesco invites the reader into his personal tug-of-war and ultimate triumph over the psychological and sociological restraints that immobilized him for half a lifetime. The author uses biographical events, old letters. unpolished poetry, and excerpts from his journals along with a few fictional composites to recreate memories and moods. DeFrancesco pokes fun at his own na ...
From his early life, through his career, personal life, death, and legacy, learn about the father of the fairy tale, Hans Christian Andersen in this compiled biography. ...
This book concerns the merging of the Hamilton and Mathiesen family and their ancestry, beginning with my parent’s marriage in 1910. The Hamilton ancestry dates back to the time of the Saxons in the year 215, through the historical Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor (742-814), Richard the Fearless of Normandy (933-1035), Saher De Quincy (1155-1219), who was a signer of the Magna Carte, Robert de Bruce of Scotland (1200s), through Kings and Queens of ...