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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Искусство фотографии
 Mastering the Nikon D700
 Mastering the Nikon D700

 Автор: Darrell Young

 The Complete Portrait Manual
 The Complete Portrait Manual

 Автор: The Editors of Popular Photography Magazine

  For beginners looking to master the portrait or lifelong photographers looking to try a new twist on the classic genre, this is your photo book. The Complete Portrait Manual provides over 300 tips techniques to help you successfully capture the portrait you want. The editors of Popular Photography pooled all their knowledge from their 70+ years of experience to bring you the most comprehensive guide to portraits on the market: The Complete Portr
 How To Photograph Everything
 How To Photograph Everything

 Автор: The Editors of Popular Photography Magazine

  The world is full of breathtaking images, just waiting to happen. How to Photograph Everything shows you how to approach thrilling subjects and get the picture-perfect shot you’re after.
The editors at Popular Photography show you exactly how shoot and enhance photos of more than 40 subjects—from landscapes to wedding portraits, sporting events, fireworks, and extreme weather. Filled with ideas for shooting, must-have gear guides, 500 be

 Scattered Among the Nations
 Scattered Among the Nations

 Автор: Bryan Schwartz

  With vibrant photographs and intricate stories Scattered Among the Nations tells the story of the world’s most isolated Jewish communities in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Former Soviet Union and the margins of Europe. Over 2,000 years ago, a shipwreck left seven Jewish couples stranded off India’s Konkan Coast, south of Bombay. Those hardy survivors stayed, built a community, and founded one of the fascinating groups described in this book—t
 Canines of New York
 Canines of New York

 Автор: Heather Weston

  A visual celebration, Canines of New York collects more than 300 photographers taken by acclaimed Brooklyn-based photographer Heather Weston throughout the five boroughs of this incredible, dog-loving city. Featuring pups in every part of the Big Apple, from iconic landmarks to their owners’ brownstone steps, this is the perfect gift for every dog lover.
 The Successful Professional Photographer
 The Successful Professional Photographer

 Автор: Roberto Valenzuela

  Learn how to confidently build a thriving and profitable career as a professional wedding or portrait photographer! For nearly a decade, renowned wedding and portrait photographer Roberto Valenzuela has been sharing his vast knowledge and unique, systematic approach to making photographs as he has taught workshops around the world and written five critically acclaimed and bestselling books that cover composition, posing, lighting, and wedding
 Dooby Lane
 Dooby Lane

 Автор: Группа авторов

  If left alone, what might a place say? If we must leave it, what must we leave behind? Guru Road, Dooby Lane. It was in this place where, nearly twenty years ago, Gary Snyder discovered, considered, and chronicled such latitudinal ruminations by way of one man, DeWayne “Dooby” Williams, and the coalesced stories and tributes which Williams faithfully etched upon granite, his elected canvas. When Snyder and his wife, Carole, we
 Robin Williams
 Robin Williams

 Автор: Arthur Grace

  I had always thought that when I was around 84 and Robin was 80 we could collaborate on a book about the golden years of his career where he could look at my photographs and reminisce about the events and his feelings at the time. Unfortunately, that book was never to be . . . .Photographer Arthur Grace first met Robin Williams in April 1986, at a comedy club in Pittsburgh where Williams was working to polish what would eventually become his awa
 Wild Shots
 Wild Shots

 Автор: Tom Walker

  This new memoir by renowned wildlife photographer, author, and naturalist Tom Walker shares his adventures living in Alaska for more than five decades. <i>Wild Shots</i> blends natural history with stories about Walker’s wide-ranging forays into the wilderness to photograph animals–beginning as a clueless «cheechako» (newcomer), but ultimately becoming a seasoned old-timer revered by many. Vivid, clear prose beautifully captures the
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