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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Искусство фотографии
 Phantoms & Specters
 Phantoms & Specters

 Автор: Lisa Yorio

  A journal of true investigations over the past 5 years backed by historical information & photographic evidence. Subjects: Possessed possessions, shadow people, skin walkers, angel visitation, demonic activity, apparitions, UFO abduction, time travel, poltergeist activity, dream communication, angel numbers, orb theories and spirit photography.
 Phantoms & Specters
 Phantoms & Specters

 Автор: Lisa Yorio

  A journal of true investigations over the past 5 years backed by historical information & photographic evidence. Subjects: Possessed possessions, shadow people, skin walkers, angel visitation, demonic activity, apparitions, UFO abduction, time travel, poltergeist activity, dream communication, angel numbers, orb theories and spirit photography.
 Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind
 Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind

 Автор: Becky Arnott

 New River and Other Poems
 New River and Other Poems

 Автор: Maurice Thomas
 The Town that Vanished in 4 Minutes
 The Town that Vanished in 4 Minutes

 Автор: Shinya Komase
 The Human Figure in Motion
 The Human Figure in Motion

 Автор: Eadweard Muybridge

  This is the largest selection ever made from the famous Muybridge sequence high-speed photographs of human motion. Containing 4,789 photographs, it illustrates some 163 different types of action: elderly man lifting log, woman sweeping, woman climbing ladder, men boxing and wrestling, child crawling, man lifting weight, man jumping, and 155 other types of action, some of which are illustrated by as many as 62 different photographs. Taken at spee
 How the Other Half Lives
 How the Other Half Lives

 Автор: Jacob Riis

  Jacob Riis was one of the very few men who photographed the slums of New York at the turn of the century, when as many as 300,000 people per square mile were crowded into the tenements of New York's Lower East Side. The filth and degradation made the area a hell for the immigrants forced to live there. Riis was one of those immigrants, and, after years of abject poverty, when he became a police reporter for the New York Tribune, he exposed
 Animals in Motion
 Animals in Motion

 Автор: Eadweard Muybridge

  "The dry plate's most spectacular early use was by Eadweard Muybridge." — Life"A really marvelous series of plates." — Nature (London)"These photographs have resolved many complicated questions." — Art JournalHere is the largest, most comprehensive selection of Muybridge's famous animal photos — more than 4,000 high-speed shots of 34 different animals and birds, in 123 different types of act
 Unveiling Alaska
 Unveiling Alaska

 Автор: William J Constantine

  Unveiling Alaska is a photography guide that offers tips for photographers venturing out to capture the beauty of Alaska. Everything from gear selection, planning, and advice on interacting with the wildlife in a safe way.
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