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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Искусство фотографии
 Camera Work (Revised Edition)
 Camera Work (Revised Edition)

 Автор: John Fraser

  A major revision, the merely documentary gone, the symbolist-poetic intensified. Past and present, nature raw and cooked, imagistic juxtapositions, sunlit urn with cypresses, flames glowing as the ground thaws for a midwinter Minnesota grave. Enigmatic mannequin, pensive boys, racing girls, sentinel in the sky. <br><br>You don&#39;t need specific locations. This is all about possibilities, emblems, icons, moods, never settling do

 Автор: John Fraser

  Faces faces faces&ndash;thirty-four, if you count a delightful movie-crew group. Fascinating faces, those major elements in movies, photography, art. Mostly one-shots, taken spontaneously in a human-scale North Atlantic city-by-the-sea in the 1990s. No predatory irony or condescension, but strong reactions&ndash; surprise, wariness, delight, self-theatricalizing, etc. <br><br>Interesting individuals, including a couple of poe
 Damaged by Dames & Drinking (one line poems and pinups)
 Damaged by Dames & Drinking (one line poems and pinups)

 Автор: Rp Verlaine

  Damaged by Dames and Drinking is a lavishly illustrated collection of haiku, one line poems and streetwise observations on bartenders, the drinking life and New York City. A collection of poems that begin with a jolt: &quot;Alcohol&#39;s magic is murder by degrees/ slow enough to be irresistible.&quot; The short poems explore dark dive bars and in brief thumbnail sketches, the women who work in them. Many of whom agreed to be photogr

 Arizona Rising
 Arizona Rising

 Автор: Bryan Shane

  In our first eBook Quest to the West (ISBN 9781456623357), my wife Patricia and I used photographic images and poetry to capture the stunning landscapes from the National Parks of the American Midwest.<br><br>This second eBook, Arizona Rising is a photographic exploration of our trips to the canyon lands of Arizona in the fall of 2013 and spring 2014. <br><br>You will see beautiful images of Saguaro National Park includin

 Автор: John Fraser

  With 50mm lenses and available light, John Fraser took these classic humanist photos in Minneapolis, New York, London, Nova Scotia, Provence, starting in 1957.<br><br>In the tradition of Cartier-Bresson, there&#39;s no cropping. What you see is what was there&mdash;street interactions caught lightning fast, informal portraits, oldsters, kids, a Blues group, a campaigning JFK within arms-length, and always the impeccable compo
 Quest To The West
 Quest To The West

 Автор: Bryan Shane

  This eBook celebrates a journey to some of the most beautiful and inspiring landscapes in the world. My wife and I left our home in Ottawa, Canada in the fall of 2012 in our small motorhome to see and to try to capture photographically some of the grandeur of the American southwest. Quest to the West is a visual and poetic record of our first expedition to this area.<br><br>We drove from Ottawa to Sault Saint Marie in northern Ontari
 Travels With My Hat: A Lifetime on the Road
 Travels With My Hat: A Lifetime on the Road

 Автор: Christine Osborne

  Travels with My Hat is the story of how an Australian nurse switched careers to become an award-winning international travel writer and photographer. It is a colourful record of her experiences defined by travel and frequently against all odds. &quot;We don&#39;t know who you are,&quot; she was told on arrival in London in 1974. &quot;To get a name here, you need to write a book,&quot; which is precisely what she did, choosin
 Reflections: Magic Art
 Reflections: Magic Art

 Автор: Alfonso Aguilar

  En Reflejos: Arte M&Atilde;&#161;gico (Vol.I), Aguilar nos deleita con un &Atilde;&#161;lbum variado en formas, colores y texturas. Nos introduce a sus abstractas im&Atilde;&#161;genes con agudas observaciones sobre el enigm&Atilde;&#161;tico mundo de los reflejos. <br><br>In Reflections: Magic Art, Aguilar delights us with a great variety of forms, colors and textures. He offers us arresting, abstract
 A Strange World / Un Mundo Raro
 A Strange World / Un Mundo Raro

 Автор: Alfonso Aguilar

  Through one hundred four images, A Strange World / Un mundo raro takes us on a journey of unexpected encounters with diabolic creatures, fictional characters, rare formations, paradoxical contours and laughable objects. Whether spooky or comical the images arrive with Aguilar&#39;s signature aesthetic. <br><br>The photographs were captured in the streets and alleys of Washington, D.C. We walk them everyday without observing the s
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