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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Искусство фотографии
 Aquellos aA±os
 Aquellos aA±os

 Автор: Alfonso Aguilar

  In Aquellos a&Atilde;&#177;os / Those Years the author gathers a diverse collection of images captured from 1987 on, when, unexpectedly, he began his foray into photography. <br><br>Even in those years, we perceive an avid and curious eye, willing and able to capture a family of folkloric musicians rehearsing on a roof in Buenos Aires, or a Dominican boy bathing in a bucket. <br><br>This book is a testimony to the

 Автор: James Elliott Foster

  James Elliott Foster gives us over 100 poems and 40 illustrations to describe what he sees and how he feels about the world around him.<br><br>&quot;Reflections&quot; is a very personal and very unique view of the world, but it also speaks to the human condition…a condition each of us shares with Mr. Foster. <br><br>As Mr. Foster puts it, &quot;While [each of us] will experience a different combination of mome
 A Picture Book of Snowy Owls
 A Picture Book of Snowy Owls

 Автор: Bryan Shane

  Owls have been immortalized throughout the ages through art, literature, religion and culture. <br><br>A Picture Book of Snowy Owls captures their majestic beauty in its most natural form. The winter life and habits of the Snowy Owl are displayed through a series of beautiful portait and action images. The images capture some of the most important behaviours of the Snowy including hunting, soaring over the wintery fields, dealing wit

 The Kate and Wills Royal Wedding
 The Kate and Wills Royal Wedding

 Автор: Alex W Milne

  A sideways look at the build up and on the day Royal Wedding by mountain photographer Alex Milne.
 The White Squirrels of North Carolina
 The White Squirrels of North Carolina

 Автор: Donald Psy.D. Weiser

  &quot;The White Squirrels of North Carolina&quot; is a photo gift book of my award winning photos of the rare and beautiful white (not albino) squirrels found in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. I took all the photos in Transylvania County with a variety of digital cameras including Sony, Kodak, Olympus, and Panasonic. <br>http://www.whitesquirrelart.com/
 Famous Inspirational Words That Bring Happiness to Your Mind
 Famous Inspirational Words That Bring Happiness to Your Mind

 Автор: Perry PhD Ritthaler

  This e-book is full of beautiful color illustrations of animals and landscapes. Famous Inspirational Words That Bring Happiness to Your Mind fulfills the author&#39;s desire to create awareness for all people, including himself, of the opportunities we face when we continue to be of the world. Although we have to live in the world, if we strive to be what we want to be, we can receive inspiration from the written words that guide us and let
 Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love
 Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love

 Автор: Perry PhD Ritthaler

  Poetry and Rhymes – Over 43 Beautiful Full Color Illustrations <br>With expressive language and sweepingly descriptive images, Perry Ritthaler paints a portrait of sincere and devoted love, overwhelming passion, and candid emotion. Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love is sure to touch the hearts and minds of readers everywhere. <br>The poetry created in the Digital Mind Coach series wi
 The Story of Looking
 The Story of Looking

 Автор: Mark Cousins

  Looking can be an act of empathy or aggression. It can provoke desire or express it. And from the blurry, edgeless world we inhabit as infants to the landscape of screens we grow into, looking can define us.
In The Story of Looking, filmmaker and writer Mark Cousins takes us on a lightning-bright tour – in words and images – through how our looking selves develop over the course of a lifetime, and the ways that looking has changed throug

 Автор: Pamela Anderson

  Sensuality uninhibited.Behind the scenes look at one of Rock &#145;n&#8217; Roll&#8217;s favorite women.Captured by Emma Dunlavey.Over a decade's worth of fly-on-the-wall style reportage.Fun, sexy handwritten prose by Pamela expressing herself freely within the images.Sexy and funny, Raw reveals Pamela Anderson at her most intimate. Featuring over a decade of Emma Dunlavey&#8217;s behind-the-scenes photography, Raw shows Pam
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