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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Искусство фотографии

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Going beyond photography as an isolated medium to engage larger questions and interlocking forms of expression and historical analysis, Ambivalent gathers a new generation of scholars based on the continent to offer an expansive frame for thinking about questions of photography and visibility in Africa. The volume presents African relationships with photography—and with visibility more generally—in ways that engage and disrupt the easy categor
 A Photographer’s Guide to Ohio
 A Photographer’s Guide to Ohio

 Автор: Ian Adams

  Ian Adams is perhaps the best-known landscape photographer in Ohio, and in the first volume of A Photographer’s Guide to Ohio, he shared his knowledge of what to photograph in the Buckeye State and how to photograph it. Now, in this second volume, Adams expands on his previous work, adding over 120 natural features, scenic rivers and byways, zoos and public gardens, historic buildings and murals, and even winter lighting displays to the list o
 Fish Story
 Fish Story

 Автор: Allan Sekula

  Initially published in print in collaboration with Richter Verlag, Dusseldorf and the Fotografiska Museet in Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Tramway, Glasgow; Le Channel, Scène nationale and Musée des Beaux Arts et de la Dentelle, CalaisTexts by: Allan Sekula, “Fish Story,” “Dismal Science” Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, “Allan Sekula: Photography between Discourse and Document”With t

 Civil Imagination
 Civil Imagination

 Автор: Ariella Azoulay

  The “Copernican Revolution” in studying photography brings to light how images can both reinforce and resist power regimes. Understanding photography is more than a matter of assessing photographs, writes Ariella Azoulay. The photograph is merely one event in a sequence that constitutes photography and which always involves an actual or potential spectator in the relationship between the photographer and the individual portrayed. The shift in f
 Words Without Pictures
 Words Without Pictures

 Автор: Charlotte Cotton

  Words Without Pictures was originally conceived by curator Charlotte Cotton as a means of creating spaces for discourse around current issues in photography. Every month for a year, beginning in November 2007, an artist, educator, critic or curator was invited to contribute a short unillustrated essay about an aspect of emerging photography. Each piece was available on the Words Without Pictures website for one month and was accompanied by a d
 Tod Papageorge: Core Curriculum
 Tod Papageorge: Core Curriculum

 Автор: Tod Papageorge

  Core Curriculum: Writings on Photography is the long-awaited collection of essays, reviews and lectures by Tod Papageorge, one of the most influential voices in photography today. As a photographer and the Walker Evans Professor of Photography at the Yale University School of Art, Papageorge has shaped the work and thought of generations of artist-photographers, and, through his critical writings—some of which have gained a cult following thro
 Fred Ritchin: Bending the Frame
 Fred Ritchin: Bending the Frame

 Автор: Fred Ritchin

  In <i>Bending the Frame</i>, Fred Ritchin–Professor of Photography &amp; Imaging at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, and author of <i>After Photography</i>–examines the complex relations between social justice and photojournalism in today's oversaturated political and media climates. <br><br>Is visual journalism even effective at all, given the ease with which so many of us can sim
 Mastering the Nikon Z50
 Mastering the Nikon Z50

 Автор: Darrell Young

  Mastering the Nikon Z50 by Darrell Young provides a wealth of experience-based information and insights for owners of Nikon's new mirrorless Z50 camera. Darrell is determined to help the user navigate past the confusion that often comes with complex and powerful professional camera equipment. This book explores the features and capabilities of the camera in a way that far surpasses the user’s manual. It guides readers through the camera
 Creative Garden Photography
 Creative Garden Photography

 Автор: Harold Davis

  Make great photos of flowers, gardens, landscapes and the beautiful world around us Gardens are everywhere, all around us. In this long-awaited guide to garden photography, noted botanical photographer and author Harold Davis tackles the subject of garden photography with an expansive brush. In this book, you’ll find techniques for photographing extreme macro subjects while becoming a better landscape photographer. From tiny flowers to vast la
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