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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Искусство фотографии
 Clever Digital Photography Ideas
 Clever Digital Photography Ideas

 Автор: Peter Cope
 100 Ways to Make Good Photos Great
 100 Ways to Make Good Photos Great

 Автор: Peter Cope

  A practical, accessible guide to turning your good photographs into great ones whether you are shooting on the latest digital SLR or a camera phone! Discover 100 simple and fun ways to improve your photographs both in-camera and through post-processing image manipulation. Every key photographic genre is covered, from perfect portraits and the great outdoors, to travel photos and shooting at night. Filled with inspirational examples of great phot
 The Digital SLR Expert Landscapes
 The Digital SLR Expert Landscapes

 Автор: Various

Build and Refine Your In-Camera and Photoshop Skills with This Authoritative and Visually Stunning Guide to Capturing Incredible Landscape Photographs

Practical demonstrations, step-by-step examples and invaluable secrets from five leading professional photographers show you how to use your digital SLR to its full potential

Darwin Wiggett, David Noton, William Neill, Tom Mackie and To

 Photography Essentials: Waiting for the Light
 Photography Essentials: Waiting for the Light

 Автор: David Noton
 100 Ways Take Better Landscape Photographs
 100 Ways Take Better Landscape Photographs

 Автор: Guy Edwardes

  100 Ways to Improve Your Landscape Photographs is an easy-reference guide to landscape photography; packed with practical advice and stunning photos this book will help and inspire photographers of all levels. This is a simple and comprehensive troubleshooting guide to landscape photography. The book is divided into themed sections and features simple explanations of techniques, which will help both beginners and more advanced photographers ge
 Making Images Move
 Making Images Move

 Автор: Gregory Zinman

  Making Images Move reveals a new history of cinema by uncovering its connections to other media and art forms. In this richly illustrated volume, Gregory Zinman explores how moving-image artists who worked in experimental film pushed the medium toward abstraction through a number of unconventional filmmaking practices, including painting and scratching directly on the film strip; deteriorating film with water, dirt, and bleach; and applying mate
 Cosmopolitics of the Camera
 Cosmopolitics of the Camera

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In Cosmopolitics of the Camera , the leading experts in the field present Les Archives de la Planete ( The Archives of the Planet ) – Albert Kahn’s stunning collection of early colour photography and documentary film – and discuss the extraordinary intellectual context from which it grew. The archives, collected between 1909 and 1932, show the cultural richness and diversity of humanity at a time of drastic geographical and historical change.
 The Photographic Object 1970
 The Photographic Object 1970

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In 1970 photography curator Peter C. Bunnell organized an exhibition called <I>Photography into Sculpture </I>for the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The project, which brought together twenty-three photographers and artists from the United States and Canada, was among the first exhibitions to recognize work that blurred the boundaries between photography and other mediums. At once an exhibition catalogue after the fact, an oral hist
 Wild Prairie
 Wild Prairie

 Автор: James
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