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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Искусство фотографии
 Фотографические этюды: 2018 год
 Фотографические этюды: 2018 год

 Автор: Илья Буркман
 Год: 2019

  В своей первой фотокниге я представил вам снимки, сделанные мной за 2018 год. В ней вы увидите осенние пейзажи и заполненные людьми улицы моего родного Екатеринбурга, мои первые студийные фотографии, живописные этюды, красочные снимки зимнего города и контрастные чёрно-белые урбанистические пейзажи. Для меня эти фотографии стали началом моей творческой карьеры, и они имеют особое значение. Все мои чувства к родному городу я постарался выразить в
 Interrupted by God
 Interrupted by God

 Автор: Tracey Lind

  With camera in hand, Tracey Lind, dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland and an open lesbian, looks for and finds God on the edge of exclusion and embrace in «Interrupted by God: Glimpses From the Edge.» This powerful combination of black-and-white photographs and spare storytelling shares not only her spiritual journey but will introduce you to interruptions by God in unexpected people and places: Lisa, the homeless Christmas angel; S
 Light Falls Like Bits
 Light Falls Like Bits

 Автор: Trey Ratcliff

  Photographer Trey Ratcliff crosses borders
to find beautya€”both literally and figuratively.
In a world where people are inundated with
images of despair and violence, Ratcliff seeks
out lifea€™s gorgeous moments all over the globe
and captures them to share with others. As
a pioneer of High Dynamic Range (HDR)
photography, Ratcliff mixes technology and art
together to make each pho

 Under the Dark Sky
 Under the Dark Sky

 Автор: Steven G. Smith

  <P>Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Steven G. Smith showcases the picturesque Thames River basin, which extends from southern Massachusetts through Connecticut to the Long Island Sound. The river and its watershed help define the borders of a valley that is unique among its East Coast neighbors, considered to be the last place where dark night sky can be viewed between Washington, D.C. and the Boston metro area. Locals like to c
 End of the Line
 End of the Line

 Автор: Markham Starr

  <P>At one time, sardines were an inexpensive staple for many Americans. The 212 photographs in this elegant volume offer a striking document of this now vanished industry. Generations of workers in Maine have snipped, sliced, and packed the small, silvery fish into billions of cans on their way to Americans' lunch buckets and kitchen cabinets. On April 15, 2010, Stinson's Seafood, once the home of Beach Cliff Sardines, sh
 The Connecticut River
 The Connecticut River

 Автор: Al Braden

  <P>The photographs in The Connecticut River follow this major waterway for 410 miles, from its origin near the Canadian border to its wide mouth on Long Island Sound, giving us a vivid portrait of a living artery of the New England landscape. Author and photographer Al Braden opens the book with an essay introducing important aspects of the river, and then presents 136 full-page color photos, ranging from close-ups to dramatic aeri
 Encountering Mother Teresa
 Encountering Mother Teresa

 Автор: Linda Schaefer

  Linda Schaefer began her career as a journalist for CNN in 1985 but found she couldn’t abandon her first love – photography. She met and photographed Mother Teresa for the first time on June 15, 1995, while on freelance assignment for The Georgia Bulletin , the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Less than two months later, Linda found herself in Calcutta, where she had the rare opportunity to document the work of Mother Teresa and the M
 Цифровая фотография – простые правила
 Цифровая фотография – простые правила

 Автор: Артур Юрьевич Газаров
 Год: 2020

  Начинающим фотографам книга даст ответы на многие вопросы в форме конкретных пошаговых рекомендаций. Книга написана так, чтобы человек, взявший в руки фотоаппарат, мог бы сразу приступить к съемке и по мере освоения получать все более привлекательные результаты. Она имеет практическую направленность и позволит избежать большинства ошибок, а также воспользоваться многими эффективными приемами. Даны советы, позволяющие новичку сразу разобраться в
 The Cosplay Journal: Volume 3
 The Cosplay Journal: Volume 3

 Автор: Holly Rose Swinyard

  The third volume of The Cosplay Journal is here, bringing more ideas, insight, and interviews from the world of cosplay and costume making. The Cosplay Journal is a coffee table periodical focusing on the Diversity and Craft of cosplay. We want to show that not only can anyone from any walk of life be involved in cosplay, but also that we’re all capable of learning new skills, creating amazing things and bringing joy into our own and other peopl
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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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