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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Искусство фотографии
 Adventures in Photography
 Adventures in Photography

 Автор: Alessandro Pezzati
 Justin Bieber: Steps to Stardom
 Justin Bieber: Steps to Stardom

 Автор: John Kastner

  Are you a Belieber? Step inside the Justin Bieber museum exhibit in Stratford with <i>Justin Bieber: Steps to Stardom.</i> This visual journey through the exhibit and the life of Justin Bieber tells the story of his rise from busking on the steps of local theatres to performing at the largest and most well-known venues in the world.This book brings the museum to you, featuring 100 colour photos of some of the most iconic exhibit item

 Автор: Steafan Hanvey

  World-renowned Northern Irish photographer, Bobbie Hanvey, captured some of The Troubles' most defining and devastating moments. Bobbie is lauded as much for these photographs as he is for his iconic portraits of figures like Seamus Heaney, Gerry Adams, Brian Friel, and Ian Paisley. In  Reconstructions , these photographs take on even greater resonance when set in context by Bobbie's eldest son, singer-songwriter and poet, Steafan Han

 When San Francisco Burned
 When San Francisco Burned

 Автор: Doug Gist

  Early one spring morning, disaster struck San Francisco, and a young man grabbed his camera and started documenting the destruction and death surrounding him. Fearlessly going to the center of the devastation, the man captured scenes of fires, collapsing buildings, and people fleeing for their lives?scenes that no one else had a chance to record. His photographs were preserved in a family photo album, unseen by the public for over a hundred year
 Legacy and Illusions: Abstract and Artistic Photography
 Legacy and Illusions: Abstract and Artistic Photography

 Автор: Klaus Bohn

  Through his latest work Legacy and Illusions, Klaus Bohn explores abstract and artistic photography. Klaus’ work takes the viewer through a journey of imagination, creativity and passion, all the while employing numerous different photographic techniques and printing methods to truly express his feelings and achieve his vision. His work also explores unique compositional elements as well as the use of space, depth and forms in many of his photog
 50 Principles of Composition in Photography: A Practical Guide to Seeing Photographically Through the Eyes of A Master Photographer
 50 Principles of Composition in Photography: A Practical Guide to Seeing Photographically Through the Eyes of A Master Photographer

 Автор: Klaus Bohn

  50 Principles of Composition in Photography reveals how to capture more creative, imaginative and inspired photographs using both film and digital photography. With Klaus Bohn's clear and practical guidelines you will discover how to heighten your visual acuity and take more artistic, appealing and captivating images. Learn the techniques to distinguish yourself from the photographers who simply take snapshots. Acquire the skills to give fo
 The Art Within Portrait Photography: A Master Photographer's Revealing and Enlightening Look at Portraiture
 The Art Within Portrait Photography: A Master Photographer's Revealing and Enlightening Look at Portraiture

 Автор: Klaus Bohn

  Exploring the art and creativity that exists in portraiture allows us to create a greater awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. From Glamour to Children, Couples, Families, Pets, Executives and more, Klaus Bohn’s work lets us really see the emotions, feelings and art contained within these images. Klaus Bohn explores unique compositional elements as well as the use of space, shapes and forms in many of his photographs. Discussing techniqu
 From Darkroom to Daylight
 From Darkroom to Daylight

 Автор: Harvey Wang

  Harvey Wang explores the shift from film to digital through a collection of portraits and interviews with more than 40 prominent photographers. For a print version that includes interviews as well as photographs by the author Harvey Wang, please visit the book, From Darkroom to Daylight: Photographs and Interviews by Harvey Wang, ISBN: 978-0-9897981-8-1.
 Photographs Not Taken
 Photographs Not Taken

 Автор: Группа авторов

  [i]Photographs Not Taken is a collection of photographers&#8217; essays about failed attempts to make a picture. Editor Will Steacy asked each photographer to abandon the conventional tools needed to make a photograph&#8212;camera, lens, film&#8212;and instead make a photograph using words, to capture the image (and its attendant memories) that never made it through the lens. In each essay, the photograph has been stripped down to it
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