Did you know that there are eleven systems in your body, and each of these systems is composed of specific organs performing certain functions? This, alone, is proof that your body is extraordinary. Read more facts and information about your anatomy and physiology. Grab a copy of this study book today. ...
Did you know that the body in your body have names too? This book is a collection of interesting facts that kids would find easy to learn. The key to influencing a child to study is to use interactive resource materials that will call and retain the attention. Your child will love this Bones in The Human Body! Anatomy Book for Kids – that’s for sure! ...
Create a family around the world travel itinerary through this gastronomic book for your kids. Featuring a wide array of foods found from all over the world, this book is set to share the many smells of these specialties to your own children. Now this is a great taste of culture! Get your copy now. ...
Help your child understand what his/her senses are with this easy-to-remember informative book. Deserving of a place in your mini-library, the book kicks off with a description of body parts before moving on to each sense. Absorption of information is made easy through a written description followed by a themed picture. Learning is made much more fun and effective with this colored book. Buy a copy today! ...
This is a workbook of human organs, presented in a way that's easy for any third grader to understand. There are clear pictures and as little verbal explanations as possible to encourage learning at home. You can treat this book as a complement to school textbooks or as a tool for advanced learning. Either way, it's best you grab a copy today! ...
There are five human senses, but is your child aware of all of them? This science workbook is a great tool to teaching your young child about the power of the senses, and the importance of each. It's a great way to increase awareness on body functions, leading to improved personal care. Secure a copy now! ...
It's hard to explain to children about the differences between male and female. Learning the boy parts can best be explained through a great book. The book can show the differences between the two, and also give them functions of the parts. Parents who have a hard time explaining the birds and the bees would enjoy a guide that can help them along. ...
Kids reach an age when they become fascinated with their bodies and the bodies of others. A book about anatomy and physiology would help them better understand the similarities and differences between male and female forms and human bodies and the bodies of other animals. Better yet, this type of book would be a great primer for future biology classes. ...
Children are often entertained by things that are disgusting and absurd. They will regularly seek this kind of material, so it is nice to have books that expose them to this stuff in a harmless fashion. The humorous value is endless, and kids inadvertently learn some science while reading. Ultimately, these publications use shocking images to elicit laughter and education. ...