In <i>The Transplant Imaginary</i>, author Lesley Sharp explores the extraordinarily surgically successful realm of organ transplantation, which is plagued worldwide by the scarcity of donated human parts, a quandary that generates ongoing debates over the marketing of organs as patients die waiting for replacements. These widespread anxieties within and beyond medicine over organ scarcity inspire seemingly futuristic trajectories in ...
Calories—too few or too many—are the source of health problems affecting billions of people in today’s globalized world. Although calories are essential to human health and survival, they cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. They are also hard to understand. In <i>Why Calories Count,</i> Marion Nestle and Malden Nesheim explain in clear and accessible language what calories are and how they work, both biologically and politically. As ...
Does the scientific «theory» that HIV came to North America from Haiti stem from underlying attitudes of racism and ethnocentrism in the United States rather than from hard evidence? Award-winning author and anthropologist-physician Paul Farmer answers with this, the first full-length ethnographic study of AIDS in a poor society. First published in 1992 this new edition has been updated and a new preface added. ...
Essential reading for those who work in global health, this practical handbook focuses on what might be the most important lesson of the last fifty years: that collaboration is the best way to make health resources count for disadvantaged people around the world. Designed as a learning resource to catalyze fresh thinking, <i>Real Collaboration</i> draws from case studies of teams struggling to combat smallpox, river blindness, polio, ...
A story of courage and risk-taking, <i>House on Fire</i> tells how smallpox, a disease that killed, blinded, and scarred millions over centuries of human history, was completely eradicated in a spectacular triumph of medicine and public health. Part autobiography, part mystery, the story is told by a man who was one of the architects of a radical vaccination scheme that became a key strategy in ending the horrible disease when it was ...
Томас Зюндер, автор этой книги, провел более 500 свадеб, он диджей. Все 12 лет он обожал свою работу – до тех пор, пока постепенная потеря слуха не стала серьезно сказываться на общем самочувствии: у него начались сильные приступы головокружений прямо на рабочем месте, в самый разгар вечеринок. Поняв, что карьера окончена, Томас направил все силы на изучение небольшого, но такого важного для каждого человека органа, как ухо.
Как на самом деле ...
Книга Алексея Валентиновича Пахневича «Увлекательная анатомия» откроет тайну устройства человека и многих животных, так не похожих на нас и удивляющих своими супер-способностями. Например, знаешь ли ты, кто умеет дышать руками, а слушать ногами? Или выращивать новые клешни, зубы или хвост взамен утерянных? Из этой книги ты узнаешь, почему у людей кровь красная, а у осьминогов синяя; как работают жабры и легкие; какие микробы живут у нас в кишечн ...