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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Афоризмы и цитаты
 Resident Foreigners
 Resident Foreigners

 Автор: Donatella Di Cesare

  From the shores of Europe to the Mexican-US border, mass migration is one of the most pressing issues we face today. Yet at the same time, calls to defend national sovereignty are becoming ever more vitriolic, with those fleeing war, persecution, and famine vilified as a threat to our security as well as our social and economic order. In this book, written amidst the dark resurgence of appeals to defend ‘blood and soil’, Donatella Di Cesare chal
 What Do We Owe to Refugees?
 What Do We Owe to Refugees?

 Автор: David Owen

  Who are refugees? Who, if anyone, is responsible for protecting them? What forms should this protection take? In a world of people fleeing from civil wars, state failure, and environmental disasters, these are ethically and politically pressing questions. In this book, David Owen reveals how the contemporary politics of refuge is structured by two rival historical pictures of refugees. In reconstructing this history, he advocates an understandi
 Resident Foreigners
 Resident Foreigners

 Автор: Donatella Di Cesare


 Автор: Группа авторов
 Politics and the Anthropocene
 Politics and the Anthropocene

 Автор: Duncan Kelly

 Автор: Benjamin Moffitt

  Populism is the key political phenomenon of the 21st century. From Trump to Brexit, from Chavez to Podemos, the term has been used to describe leaders, parties and movements across the globe who disrupt the status quo and speak in the name of ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’. Yet the term remains something of a puzzle: poorly understood, vaguely defined and, more often than not, used as a term of abuse.<br /> <br /> In this concise a
 Critique of Rights
 Critique of Rights

 Автор: Christoph Menke

  Modern political revolutions since the 18th century have swept away traditional systems of domination by declaring that ‘all men are created equal’. This declaration of equal rights is a fundamental political act – it is the political act in which the political community creates itself in relation to traditional systems of domination. But because it was generally assumed that the subject of these rights is the individual human being, the politic
 Politics and Aesthetics
 Politics and Aesthetics

 Автор: Jacques Ranciere
 Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology
 Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology

 Автор: Группа авторов
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